Mission and Administration
West Glacier Elementary is a teacher-led school. The duties typically associated with a school principal are divided among the teaching staff, with assistance from the school clerk. We believe in social and academic accountability for all and align our curriculum with county, state, and national standards. Our staff participates regularly in staff and curriculum development opportunities so that they may better serve our students. The school is governed by a three-person board of trustees, publicly elected to rotating terms of three years.
Our goal is to coordinate our efforts and work collaboratively so that every student meets or exceeds our high academic standards. We encourage our families and community members to join us as active participants in our children’s education. Communication between home and school is critical for student success and we value parental and community input.
With eight certified teachers on staff, West Glacier has one of the lowest pupil-to-teacher ratios in Flathead County. In addition, WGE has a variety of subcontracted specialists in the fields of counseling and speech pathology that supplement the educational services rendered by full-time staff.