Cub Camp

Cub Camp is a self-sustaining after-school program. Cub Camp runs from the end of the academic day until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. To pay for supervision and a daily snack, a fee of $5.00 per day is charged for all students attending Cub Camp. Invoices are mailed at the end of each trimester. Please call the office as soon as possible if you know your child will need to attend Cub Camp. 

NOTE: For safety and security reasons, all doors will remain locked during Cub Camp. Parents picking up their children will need to call ext. 14 notifying the supervising adult that they need to be let into the building.

For more information regarding the program or policies, please consult the Student-Parent Handbook, the Cub Camp Agreement Form, or check with the Cub Camp supervisor, Mrs. Burrell. She can be contacted via email at or by calling the school.