Standards & Curriculum
These standards outline the knowledge and skills students should develop in their study of mathematics. Emphasizing both conceptual understanding and procedural proficiency, they ensure students can apply their learning in meaningful ways. Each grade level has clear, structured benchmarks, providing a focused and cohesive framework for mathematical growth and assessment. These standards were created so that all students can reach proficiency in math, become lifelong problem solvers, and see the relevance of math in their future endeavors.
Math Curriculum Framework (MECC) (coming soon)
Montana Content Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy
These standards provide a framework for literacy not only in English Language Arts, but across content areas in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. Additionally, Indian Education for All is integrated to include the literature and perspectives of Montana’s American Indian tribes. Just as students must learn literacy skills and conceptual understandings to be college and career ready, they must be able to read, write, speak, listen, and use language effectively in a variety of content areas. Students who meet the standards develop the skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening that are the foundation for any creative and purposeful expression in language.
This guide provides a structured framework to help educators implement the state's science standards. It covers three main disciplines—Earth and Space Science, Life Science, and Physical Science—while emphasizing scientific inquiry, problem-solving, and crosscutting concepts that connect different areas of science. The guide is organized by grade level (K-5) and grade bands (6-8, 9-12) to ensure clear learning progressions. It also incorporates Montana’s Indian Education for All, recognizing Indigenous knowledge and perspectives.
These standards provide a framework for teaching civics, economics, geography, and history while integrating essential skills like inquiry, source evaluation, and evidence-based reasoning. The standards are organized by grade level (K-5) and grade bands (6-8, 9-12) to ensure clear learning progressions. A key component is Indian Education for All, which incorporates the history and perspectives of Montana’s American Indian tribes. These standards aim to develop informed, engaged citizens through age-appropriate learning objectives.